Does sweat equity save money?
Here’s a question I often get, “Bob, we are very handy. We can paint, do the demolition and lay the tile ourselves. Is there work we can do to save money on our project?”
Hmm, how to answer that question with kindness and honesty?
The answer is a definite maybe. I always provide a schedule of values spreadsheet that shows a line-by-line breakdown of budget costs for each area of any project. Homeowners can look at this and decide if they want to do the demolition or the painting or even the tile. I can then deduct that item from the schedule of values spreadsheet.
Here are some things to consider about whether it is worth it to put in some sweat equity. Have you done this type of work before? Do you feel confident that you can finish your part in a timely manner so that the project is not delayed? What a professional crew can do in a day most homeowners can’t do in a three day weekend. Often the work performed by the homeowner doesn’t quite get finished and the professionals have to step in to finish. In these cases the savings might not be worth it. Also there is no warranty on any work provided by the homeowner.
What can we do? I’m happy to discuss how you can step in and take care of items that can save money. A lot of this can be done in the research-shopping mode of the project. Shopping online for discounts on sinks, faucets, lighting fixtures, even appliances can save you 20-60%. I had one client buy a six-burner gas stove via Amazon prime and get free shipping. He saved thousands.
If, after considering everything that goes into what you want to do you still decide that you want to give the “sweat equity” a try, then great! I will gladly support your decision. After all, if all goes well, maybe after this project you can become one of my subcontractors! ☺